We’re stronger than we dare believe

Unstoppable forces

In the depths of our being, resilience resides,

Though fragile as glass, our strength defies.

As challenges mount and pressure builds,

We feel ourselves breaking, yet destiny willed.

Beneath the surface, a warrior lies,

A fierce and unstoppable force, she flies.

Though worn and weathered, her spirit stands,

A beacon of courage in barren lands.

With each trial endured, our resolve is steeled,

Hardened by adversity, our fate sealed.

Through storms and tempests, we bravely tread,

For in our hearts, lies the fire we’ve fed.

It’s natural to falter, to lag behind,

But strength lies not in what we find.

No batteries required, no external aid,

For within ourselves, the power is laid.

We are stronger than we dare believe,

Unstoppable forces, ready to achieve.

So let us march forth, with heads held high,

For in unity and courage, we’ll touch the sky.


Shackled and bound by chains of oppression, our once proud and able-bodied ancestors roamed the fertile lands with heads held high, their spirits unbroken despite the weight of injustice bearing down upon them. But their strength was no match for the greed of those in power, who traded their dignity for fleeting riches.

What price did they pay for their betrayal? Was it the glint of gold that blinded them to the suffering of their own people? Or the allure of foreign luxuries that led them to barter away our birthright? Regardless of the currency, the cost was steep: the enslavement of generations, the agony of separation, and the erasure of our humanity.

Dragged through the mud, our ancestors were paraded like commodities in the market square, their worth measured by the callous hands of traders. Sold into bondage, they were condemned to a life of toil and torment, their bodies confined to the depths of dark dungeons, suffocating under the weight of cruelty and despair.

In those cavernous prisons, our black bodies were stacked like cordwood, each breath a struggle against the crushing weight of oppression. Yet amid the darkness, some found the courage to resist, to defy their captors and demand their rightful freedom. But for many, the price of defiance was death, their blood staining the earth as a testament to their unyielding spirit.

Now, decades later, we stand on the precipice of independence, but the shackles of the past still bind us. Though the chains may be rusted and worn, their grip on our collective consciousness remains firm, reminding us of the injustices that continue to plague our society.

But let us not despair, for the struggle is not over. As Nkrumah proclaimed, “at long last, the struggle has ended,” but the fight for true liberation has only just begun. It is up to us, the inheritors of their legacy, to break free from the shackles of the past and forge a future where justice, equality, and dignity reign supreme.

Together, let us rise up and cast off the chains that bind us, reclaiming our pride, our power, and our humanity. For only then can we truly say that the shackles of oppression have been shattered, and the promise of independence fulfilled.

Happy 67th Independence

Yes , this is me !

Living through the pain

In the relentless cascade of torment, my mind swirls in an abyss of dizziness, an indistinct fusion of heartache and a weighted ache that threatens to silence the rhythmic cadence of my heart. The pain, a dagger’s precision, pierces through, a chilling numbness enveloping every beat like a drowning echo in the coldest of waters or perhaps blood; the distinction blurred in the anguish.

A burden too heavy, the lowest ebb of pain, where fatigue emanates from tear-soaked eyes, each step through cold, dusty streets stirs the dormant agony. The night, once feared, now holds no terror, for the pain usurps even the deepest shadows. Can I endure this relentless assault? Survive the desolation that echoes in my chest? Nights echo with contemplations of ending it all, mornings survived with no recollection of the struggle.

A journey to the 3rd street, legs weary from sacrifice, glimpses of contaminated pits, the involuntary fasting, the terror of darkness and stress. Each step, a reminder of the enduring agony. Anxiety meds and talks beckon, yet the pool of worries and anxiety seems bottomless; an undeserved symphony of despair. Tales of sacrifice and pain weigh upon me, an overwhelming sadness from which I can’t extricate myself.

A plea lingers – can I prevail against this relentless tide? A bravado if I do, a reluctant surrender if I don’t, for in every heartbeat, I fought. A soul drowning in the abyss of melancholy, where the solace I seek remains elusive. The one meant to ease my journey misunderstands, amplifying the desire for an end. In the echo of my pain, I long for a reprieve that seems ever elusive.

Unlucky, I feel, as I grapple with a cascade of tales and pains that seem to stretch beyond a lifetime. Can I conquer this tumult? Bravo, if I emerge victorious; if not, know that I resisted with every ounce of strength. I fought – an endeavor witnessed by the heavens.

Wellspring of tears

My heart, it weeps with an unfathomable ache,

Quivering within, wounded by sharp, relentless strikes,

Repeating, over and over, like cruel stripes.

Oh, how I yearn for this anguish to dissipate,

To release me from the clutches of this colossal weight.

Once again, I grasp a lighter in my trembling hand,

Resisting the tempting urge to set my pain ablaze.

Yet, even as I write these words, my fingers falter,

Their trembling testament to the depth of my despair.

I have tried, oh how I have tried, to move this mountain,

But its colossal mass moves at an agonizing pace.

I close my eyes, and time slows to a crawl,

Yet the tick of the clock remains a relentless drumbeat.

Trapped within a loop of static, I am bound,

Tangled in the thorny chains of torment and trauma.

How can I break free from this prison of pain?

Will there ever come a day when I am truly unburdened?

I traverse vast oceans in search of solace,

But all I find are varying degrees of torment,

An endless array of agonies, each unique in its own right.

I’ve exhausted every effort, given my all,

Only to be met with the searing blade of despair.

Like molten steel, it carves through my tender heart,

Inflicting a multitude of agonies, each more profound than the last.

I have tried, dear soul, I have truly tried,

But the weight of sorrow bears down, unyielding.

Oh, how I long for respite from this haunting pain,

For a glimmer of hope to pierce through the darkness.

May my words carry the weight of my anguish,

That they may resonate and touch the depths of empathy.

In this retelling of sorrow, let the emotions flow,

May these added words forge a connection, stronger than before.

Dance of Ecstasy

Oh, the rock of passion, deep and resounding,

Hell’s flames ignited, vibrations abounding.

A concept of sensation, milder yet stronger,

Two souls colliding, intimacy no longer a ponder.

Back and forth he swayed, up and down he roamed,

Turning and spinning, like parallel connectors entwined and honed.

Shaking the core, veins trembling in delight,

How did I arrive here, in this realm of fervent night?

Once thinking I despised such intensity,

Now here I lie, on my back, in ecstatic affinity.

Knees half-caped, at the apex of desire’s peak,

A mischievous smile, wickedly staring, making me weak.

Oh, how can I explain, how did I arrive at this place?

Insanely intense, each touch a flame ablaze.

He, unaware of the power his bare hands possess,

Melting my existence, my body left defenseless.

Words fail me now, expressions flee,

This sensation overwhelming, consuming me.

I surrender to its majesty, its dramatic decree,

In awe and silence, I shall forever be.

For never before have I been rendered speechless,

But this, oh, this ecstasy, I shall humbly acquiesce.

In the presence of such passion, I shall no longer speak,

Enveloped in its embrace, forevermore, I shall keep.

Whispers of Love’s Resurgence

In a moment suspended, I held my breath,

Nervousness consumed me, as loud as the sea’s crest.

The rising waves brought a calming embrace,

As I gazed upon a figure, intriguing in its grace.

Not the tallest amongst them, yet miles away,he stood tall.

I fixated on this enigma, a strange display.

In that routine, my curiosity stirred,

A chaos to quell these ho-hum days, I yearned.

A quest had captured my little heart’s desire,

Could it be conquered? Could I rise higher?

With brisk steps, calculated and precise,

Excitement and fear battled within, a restless dice.

I’ve treaded this path, both entrance and fall,

Thrown out of windows, my dreams left to sprawl.

But this figure, so close yet shrouded in haze,

Could I be disappointed? My heart in a daze.

Episodes of pain flooded my fragile soul,

As I choked on the outcome, losing control.

Nervousness and excitement intertwined,

Were my feelings misplaced, misaligned?

Vividly etched in my mind, his blue attire,

The exact shade eludes, but blue, I admire.

A stern smile that bloomed into warmth so rare,

Captivated my attention, unaware.

From the first glance, my jaw fell apart,

Swiftly gathering the pieces, mending my heart.

It was serene, a recognition so profound,

His heart echoed mine, in whispers resound.

Memories replayed this moment,it was crystal clear what had happened.

A meeting frozen in time, cherished and dear.

Eyes closed, I felt his presence draw near,

His essence enveloping me, both far and near.

My heart had found a home in his embrace,

Yet uncertainty lingered, doubts left to chase.

The echoes of pain, a haunting refrain,

Could I risk it all for love once again?

In those fleeting moments, time ceased to roam,

As he drove away,replaying our meeting on memory avenue over and over again.

His scent and warmth lingered, with my closed, any breath I take inhales his thoughts as I exhale those warm smiles of remembrance.

Love anew, Ingrained in my soul, his cute and tender smile,

Oh, how it ignited emotions, defying denial.

Though I couldn’t express the depths of my affection,

The tales of pain kept me cautious, in protection.

But he extended his arms, a refuge so kind,

And I couldn’t resist,our affections intertwined.

With a wide grin, I held onto the hope we shared,

From good to better, a love story repaired.

Distance may separate, oceans apart,

Yet 9,178 km can’t sever my heart.

Oh, how I miss you, a longing so deep,

Watching your videos and photos, treasures I keep.

I cling to love, to trust in its purest form,

To the memories, short but oh so warm.

Video and voice chats, a lifeline we embrace,

Meeting you, a timing I couldn’t replace.

You became my savior, in moments of despair,

Collecting the shattered pieces, handling with care.

I know not how you achieved such art,

But in your arms, I found solace, a brand-new start.

This journey, my love, still unfolds,

Episodes intertwine, as the story molds.

In the realm of affection, a counselor true,

Painting our tale with hues vibrant and new.

Now, with dramatic flair and poetic grace,

I beckon the reader, their attention I chase.

For in these words, a story unfolds,

Of love’s triumphs and secrets yet untold.

Without a Goodbye

I’ve been hollowed

I’ve been shuttered

I’ve been disoriented

Nothing made sense at all

Why did you have to leave so sudden

A goodbye would have been better

I wish I held you in my arms as you inhaled your last breath

I wish I heard your last words

Verily , we shall all depart some day , we shall all go away some day , it’s the only sing-song I consoled my shuttered heart with

I thought I was stronger

I thought I would be the shoulder the others you left behind would lean on

I thought I had been through it all

I thought you would be there until your 90’s

Yes, you will be here in my heart as long as I live

I felt the greatest pain cut through my heart

I couldn’t and I wouldn’t ever come to terms with this , this can’t be real

This isn’t you

Could someone wake me and and tell me it was all a nightmare?

I touched my body and face as many times I could

It’s heartbreaking to face the fact that you’re no more with us but you will be with us for the rest of our lives

I wish this story had a fairytale ending

But here you’re laying lifeless

I wish your life was endless

Honestly, you have been selfless

I’ve been hollowed

As much as I tried to fill the empty space you left , I couldn’t, I can’t , I can’t

I’ve been shuttered

I’ve been hollowed

I tried to break the icy hands death laid on you

I hammered each piece of ice

I warmed each part of the deadly ice

I wrapped all the warmth I could gather on your tender self

There , I realized , its icy hands were eternal, you left without a goodbye

But you know what Champion?

Even as you lay here breathless, I will hold on to all the best memories we had and shared

I will hold on to the love you shared

I will hold on to love

I will hold on to the best part of you than to be shuttered and broke hearted forever

Figments of a Tall Figure

Desperation sets my mood in crisis, my chest moves up and down in an unfamiliar rhythm with the greatest amount of sensation

I’d never been this anxious

This is a strange anxiety especially from a tall figure I do not really know

My breath began to move faster , in an inconsistent manner, afraid my biggest nightmare was crawling into my own eyes

Was he going to let me down ?

I have long waited in a short while to see the tallest figure who sent his figments flashing through my face

Did I have to wait that long ?

What could have possibly gone wrong?

Here I am , on a thin thread , trying to hold on to the last part of it so I don’t fall, splitting into inconspicuous pieces

His thin smiles popped out his triangle face , making him seem adorable

I have longed waited see those smiles on his face

could the memories I had of him be a mere figment of my imagination?

Certainly, all the memories of our meetings were just in my head , they never happened, in this short while , I’ve been virtually attached and addicted to talking to a tall figure who seem to be an exact copy of a non existing figure ,having seemingly endless long conversations

I sat studying the time like it was for my survival

Each second the clock ticked , my heart ticked along with the handle

Knowing that was just a figment of the tall figure

yet I waited in anticipation of floating in those colorful memories

A stream of emotions swept my imaginations of him , leaving a broken picture of the tall figure.


I was not a figment of my imaginations as you thought, it is a fragment of destitution

I feel empty

So empty that I can feel my shells crack by a soundless touch

So empty that the sound of my breath echoes louder than a rambling thunder

What you do not know is, those feelings of emptiness are mere cracks

Mere cracks that can bring down my whole being just like cracks on a falling building

So much emptiness that the sound of the soundless could be heard as loud as a roar

All alone

All alone

lost in my thoughts

I fought every miniature of emotion to search for my survival

I understood the darkness of emptiness

All I needed was saving

With my arms stretched, trying to reach out to my savior to pull me from the ditches and tunnels of hollowness , a hell of a hollow dark tunnel weaved with silence of a dead end

He threw down a rope so i could clad around my waist and crawl up to the light at the end of my emptiness

I could not hold on to his grip and fell deep down into a deeper phase of desolation.

Songs of the heart

It’s a merrily harmonious melodious tune, so touching, slowly addictive .

Making each rhythm played by the instrument of one’s affection so loud yet quiet .

So calm, intense, nerve wrecking, an appropriate pill in the right proportion for soul soothing . Each word clinches you , from the base of your gloominess and radiates the euphoria of your excitement . Nothing else matters !

My heart sang .

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